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Table 3 Prevalence of anemia associated with worsening renal insufficiency (n = 372)

From: Prevalence of anemia in renal insufficiency among HIV infected patients initiating ART at a hospital in Northeast Ethiopia

Stage (eGFR, ml/min/1.73 m2)


N (%)

Anemia N (% total)

1 (>90)

Normal or high GFR

269 (72.1)

61 (74.0)

2 (60–89.9)

Mild renal insufficiency

64 (17.2)

38 (60.3)

3 (30–59.9)

Moderate renal insufficiency

38 (10.2)

36 (94.7)

4 (15–29.9)

Severe renal insufficiency

2 (0.5)

2 (100)