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Table 2 Outcomes of anaemic under-fives with indications for BT (N = 125)

From: Emergency blood transfusion practices among anaemic children presenting to an urban emergency department of a tertiary hospital in Tanzania


Total n = 125 n (%) [95% CI]

Transfused in the ED n = 29 n (%) [95%CI]

Not Transfused in the ED n = 96 n (%) [95% CI]

P- value

ED mortality

6 (4.8%) (95%CI 1.05–8.55)

2 (6.9%) (95%CI −2.3-16.1)

4 (4.2%) (95% CI 0.19–8.21)


24 h mortality

19 (15.2%) (95% CI 8.91–21.49)

2 (6.9%) (95% CI −2.3-16.1)

17 (17.7%) (95% CI 10.1–25.3)


Overall mortality

31 (24.8%) (95% CI 17.23–32.37)

3 (10.3%) (95% CI −0.76-21.36)

28 (29.2%) (95% CI 20.01–38.19)


  1. Table 2 shows the ED mortality, 24-h mortality, and overall mortality between the children with WHO indications for transfusion that received blood in the ED, and those that did not with their respective 95% confidence intervals