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Table 1 Effects of dilution and addition of rFVIIa on Hb and PT values. A lowering of Hb and an increase in the PT were seen as signs of dilution while the addition of rFVIIa lead to a decrease of the PT (n = 8).

From: An in vitro evaluation of standard rotational thromboelastography in monitoring of effects of recombinant factor VIIa on coagulopathy induced by hydroxy ethyl starch




Dilution + rFVIIa

Hb (g/l)

136 (127–147)

88 (81–99)*

88 (81–99)*


0.9 (0.7–1.2)

1.2 (0.9–1.3)§

0.6 (0.5–0.7)*

  1. * p = 0.01 compared to normal. p = 0.01 compared to dilution. §p = 0.02 compared to normal.